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Sample ViewController file

This sample ViewController.swift file demonstrates all the APIs available through the SDK. It references some UI elements which should be clear from the naming. This file can be directly run on a fresh xcode iOS project after connecting the IBOutlets and IBActions with appropriate UIButton, UILabel and UIView.

For the AVPlayer container, it uses AVPlayerViewController which will display iOS native player controls.

It contains an offline capable OTP and playbackInfo for demonstration purpose.

////  ViewController.swift//  DemoApp//
import UIKitimport VdoFrameworkimport AVFoundationimport AVKit
class ViewController: UIViewController, AssetPlaybackDelegate {
    @IBOutlet weak var downloadStateLabel: UILabel!    @IBOutlet weak var downloadActionButton: UIButton!    @IBOutlet weak var playOnlineButton: UIButton!    @IBOutlet weak var playOfflineButton: UIButton!    @IBOutlet weak var container: UIView!        fileprivate var playerViewController = AVPlayerViewController()        private var asset: VdoAsset?        private var otp = "20160313versIND313U23cSmhREBvfAxBOjVfItnUFq66mSNOK6Za7U8hb58ePX8"    private var playbackInfo = "eyJ2aWRlb0lkIjoiMGViNTVkNWRjMjI2NGY4MGIxOWMwYzI0YmZmYWJmZTMifQ=="    private var videoId = "0eb55d5dc2264f80b19c0c24bffabfe3"        override func viewDidLoad() {        super.viewDidLoad()        // Setting the AVPlayer controller in a subview        self.playerViewController.view.frame = self.container.bounds        self.playerViewController.view.autoresizingMask = [.flexibleWidth, .flexibleHeight]        self.addChild(self.playerViewController)        self.container.addSubview(self.playerViewController.view)        self.playerViewController.didMove(toParent: self)                // listen to the download events        NotificationCenter.default.addObserver(self, selector: #selector(handleDownloadProgress(_:)), name: .AssetDownloadProgress, object: nil)        NotificationCenter.default.addObserver(self, selector: #selector(handleDownloadStateChange(_:)), name: .AssetDownloadStateChanged, object: nil)                // create a delegate for tracking player state        VdoCipher.setPlaybackDelegate(delegate: self)                // make a new asset        VdoAsset.makeAsset(videoId: videoId) { asset in            print("title is: " + asset.title!)            self.asset = asset            DispatchQueue.main.async {                self.updateUI(downloadState: asset.downloadState, percentDownload: asset.percentDownload ?? -1)                self.playOnlineButton.isEnabled = true                self.downloadActionButton.isEnabled = true            }        }    }        override func viewWillAppear(_ animated: Bool) {        downloadStateLabel.text = "Generating asset..."        playOfflineButton.isEnabled = false    }        private func updateUI(downloadState: VdoAsset.DownloadState?, percentDownload: Double = -1) {        self.playOfflineButton.isEnabled = false        switch downloadState {        case .notDownloaded:            self.downloadStateLabel.text = "not downloaded"            self.downloadActionButton.setTitle("Download", for: .normal)            break;        case .downloaded:            self.downloadStateLabel.text = "downloaded"            self.downloadActionButton.setTitle("Delete", for: .normal)            self.playOfflineButton.isEnabled = true            break;        case .downloading:            self.downloadStateLabel.text = "downloading \(percentDownload)"            self.downloadActionButton.setTitle("Cancel", for: .normal)            break;                default:            self.downloadStateLabel.text = "getting download state..."        }    }        // MARK: Notification handlers        @objc func handleDownloadStateChange(_ notification: Notification) {        print("handle download state change")        let notice = notification.userInfo!        guard videoId == notice[VdoAsset.Keys.videoId] as? String else {            return        }        guard let stateRawValue = notice[VdoAsset.Keys.downloadState] as? String,              let newState = VdoAsset.DownloadState(rawValue: (stateRawValue)) else {            return        }        print("state change: \(newState)")        DispatchQueue.main.async {            self.updateUI(downloadState: newState)        }    }        @objc func handleDownloadProgress(_ notification: Notification) {        print("handle download progress")        let notice = notification.userInfo!        guard videoId == notice[VdoAsset.Keys.videoId] as? String else {            return        }        guard let percent = notice[VdoAsset.Keys.percentDownloaded] as? Double else {            return        }        print("progress percent: \(percent)")        DispatchQueue.main.async {            self.updateUI(downloadState: .downloading, percentDownload: percent)        }    }
    @IBAction func playOnline(_ sender: Any) {        guard let asset = asset else {            return print("not ready for playback")        }        asset.playOnline(otp: otp, playbackInfo: playbackInfo)    }
    @IBAction func playOffline(_ sender: Any) {        guard let asset = asset else {            return print("not ready for offline playback")        }        if asset.downloadState != .downloaded {            return print("not downloaded yet")        }        asset.playOffline()    }
    @IBAction func downloadAction(_ sender: Any) {        guard let asset = asset, let button = sender as? UIButton, let buttonText = button.currentTitle else {            return print("not ready for playback or action not defined")        }        print("title is \(String(describing: button.currentTitle))")        print("download action \(buttonText)")        switch buttonText {        case "Delete":            print("downloaded, now can delete")            asset.deleteDownload()        case "Cancel":            print("downloading..., now can cancel")            asset.cancelDownload()        case "Download":            print("download action triggered")            asset.startDownload(otp: otp, playbackInfo: playbackInfo)        default:            print("can't get here")        }            }}
extension ViewController {    func streamPlaybackManager(playerReadyToPlay player: AVPlayer) {        // player is ready to play    }        func streamPlaybackManager(playerCurrentItemDidChange player: AVPlayer) {        // player current item has changed        playerViewController.player = player    }}