Build the best video experiences
Works with your setup
Manage videos using API, enable automatic video upload and get OTP for playback
Customise player design or add interactive features using Player API. Use the lightweight video player with support of chapters, closed captions, DRM, Auto-resume-from-last position and more features.
Integrate VdoCipher SDK to your android and iOS apps with the help of our SDKs. Offline downloads, custom player, Full API controllable, and more features.
OTP-based Playback

Why You Need OTP for Secure Streaming
Non-secure video platforms enable video embed through iFrames. These iFrames however can be used by anybody to download or share the video.
VdoCipher uses a unique embed code per session to play videos. This embed code uses a short-lived access token, called an OTP. Our use of an OTP ensures that videos are authenticated in every session, so that only logged in paying users get to watch your premium content.
How to generate OTP
- You can find the API secret key for your account by logging into the Dashboard -> Config tab.
- To generate OTP and playbackInfo, your site backend has to make HTTP POST request to API server using the API secret key. The API URL has to include the video ID.
- The API call returns OTP and Playback Info, which your site backend has to then add to the video embed code.
- You can find more details and sample codes for generating OTP from the Server API Docs.
Sample Code for HTTP POST request to API server with Secret key
$ curl -X POST{VIDEOID}/otp -H
'authorization: Apisecret _________'
The API call would return a JSON object with OTP and playback info:
"otp": "1234567890z26y25x24",
"playbackInfo": "a1b2c3d4e5f6h7"
Video Player Embed Code
Your website backend needs to send the OTP and playbackInfo to the site frontend, to authorize video playback. More details on the player embed code can be found in the VdoPlayer Reference.
You may wish to change the id of the global div
, from embedBox
to something more unique. For instance you may append a random number to embedBox
, so that each video player displayed on your page has a unique id.
Integrating VdoCipher Embed Code
Ready-to-Use Plugins
For popular Content Management Systems you will only need to install VdoCipher plugin. Our plugin handles the OTP and PlaybackInfo generation by itself, so that embedding videos to your website is easy and straightforward.
VdoCipher Support is always there for you
As you can see, adding security features to videos creates additional steps to your workflow beyond simply adding a single embed code.
We fully understand that there might be things that you would need our help for. Our support executives are available at all times to help you secure your encrypted videos to your site.
We are fully committed to providing you Hollywood-level DRM for your invaluable intellectual property, and to support you in creating your video-based business.