We list 57 video hosting features that VdoCipher provides for securing videos from piracy, ensuring smooth playback of videos, and managing videos in bulk via dashboard and API. The features are categorized into various segments for better clarity. Respective tutorial or documentation is linked with each feature.
Security features for video hosting
- Google Widevine DRM Encryption– Protect video downloads with Netflix like security in Desktop and Android via Widevine DRM encryption. Vdocipher video hosting is actually encrypted video playback , raw file is never exposed in the network; thus full proofing it secure from downloaders and hackers. IDM, Video Download Helper, other such tools wont be able to download video. Widevine DRM demo at homepage video
- Apple Fairplay DRM Encryption – Protect video downloads with Netflix like security in IOS via Fairplay DRM encryption. Vdocipher video hosting is actually DRM encrypted video playback, raw file is never exposed in the network; thus full proofing it secure from downloaders and hackers. IDM, Video Download Helper, other such tools wont be able to download the video. Available for only paid plans. More Details.
- Domain Restriction – VdoCipher provides domain restriction to ensure that video url can not be shared outside your video hosting website. Multiple websites can be integrated from same account.
- User Specific Watermark – To discourage screen capture in Desktop and Android, viewer details like IP address, email id, user id, phone number can be watermarked over the video. Proprietary technology to ensure highest secure video hosting. Demo watermark
- Fixed Text Watermark – Have your company/personal text on video as a watermark. Brand your videos with your Copyright.
- Change watermark display parameters & speed –The most attractive feature about our watermark is that it is super easy to customise the colour, speed of movement, frequency of visibility, transparency, size of the watermark. This is used by our video hosting customers to ensure that viewer experience is not deteriorated while using watermark as a security barrier. More Details.
- Country Restriction/Geo-Blocking- We provide Geo-Blocking in terms of country restriction to allow you blacklist or whitelist certain countries. Most popular amongst our movie/media content video hosting clients. More Details.
- Screen Capture Block in Android Native App – Our Native SDK integration with Android App ensure highest security from download and screen capture. Screen capture is blocked at hardware level and no tool will be able to grab app videos even via screen capture. Very popular feature amongst our Indian Test Prep video hosting clients who value security the utmost and want hard block against screen capture. Android App integration details.
- Screen Capture Block in IOS Native App – Our Native SDK integration with Apple Fairplay DRM in IOS app ensures hard core security from download and screen capture block. Android App integration details.
- Proprietary Encryption as Android/IOS fallback – There are certain Android devices (some Redmi ones particularly or some very old Android devices) which do not support Widevine DRM. Thus, there is an optional alternate encrypted video playback for such cases to improve compatibility.
- Emulator Playback Prevention in Mobile Apps – We provide emulator playback protection for our customers to ensure that videos only play in real mobile phones. This is done via our integrated Google SafetyNet implementation for our video hosting customers. Available for our latest SDK integrations, explained here in SDK document (at last section).
- Dynamic URLs via APIs – If you integrate via our APIs, then we do not provide static embed code for videos, there is dynamic url generated for each playback session to ensure highest url security for VdoCipher video hosting. VdoCipher API page
Video Player Features
- Smart HTML5 Video Player – Custom HTML5 Video player with multi-device compatibility along with standard features like youtube’s video hosting. Player feature overview
- Adaptive Video Quality – VdoCipher provides multiple quality options on player and the player is adaptive in nature; which means that it can switch quality based on internet connection of user. A distinct feature of our quality variation is that we mark it by bitrate and optimize it for low sizes. More details are mentioned in our one of most popular blogs here on video quality.
- Speed Change in player – User can increase or decrease speed of video to consume and understand content according to their own needs. Player feature overview
- 15s forward/rewind – A quick forward/rewind feature on player for users to revise the content or skip ahead for saving time.
- Multi-lingual subtitles – You can upload subtitles in multiple languages in vtt format and our player will display them. Tutorial
- Low bitrate quality optimization –Particularly built for our e-learning video hosting customers from across the world, we provide good quality even at low bitrates. This ensures quality experience at slow internet and at same time saves bandwidth for you. This is inbuilt in default accounts, for further size reduction, contact our team and they can try to even further reduce the sizes based on your content type.
- Buttons/Form over video via Script code –We have ready to use sample codes available for you to embed buttons/forms over the video. Some samples are shown here.
- Player events and Callbacks – One of most used features by developers, allows them to track and save viewer events like start, pause, end, seek, playback time, etc. and build their own detailed video analytics or show custom CTAs. More details.
- Playback Time Calculation via Code – Again one of our most popular developer features particularly used by LMS and large education clients. This allows you to calculate exact time played per video session by each user. You can sum it up to restrict the users based on total time player. It also allows you to have completion rate of your videos/courses and better produce lecture content for future. More details.
- Remove Player timeline for Live like playback – Demand of providing a secure live player peaked post start of Covid-19 pandemic. While we do not have a video hosting infrastructure for live content; we do provide a player experience where timeline controls, speed change, forward/rewind are removed for a live like experience. This ensures that your users can not skip any content. This has to be custom set up for your paid account and you can contact us for integrating this for your account. Sample Themes for Live kind experience.
- Remove fullscreen from player – Some customers demand a certain experience where they want the viewer to watch the hosted videos on their site in a website frame along with some other things on their page. We allow you to remove full screen button removed from the player. This has to be custom set up for your paid account and you can contact us for integrating this for your account.
- Chapter Segmentation via Script code – Particularly useful for lecture creators who want to segment their long lectures into different segments. Via our sample script code, you can specify various segments on your webpage and clicking on any can directly take to a particular part of the video. Also possible for video hosting in-app via our SDK integrations. More Details.
- Chromecast , Android Casting, Android TV Support – VdoCipher DRM playback is supported in these environments and Android App also has an optional casting feature. Android SDK casting document.
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VdoCipher empowers course creators, event organizers and broadcasters with secure video streaming, ensuring smooth playback globally.
AWS Global CDN Hosting features for video
- AWS CDN and server -VdoCipher uses Global AWS Cloud Infrastructure that consists of 3 primary components of Storage on AWS S3, Transcoding via VdoCipher algorithms on EC2, Streaming of content via Cloudfront CDN. AWS has over 100+ server pops across the world, thus helping us to ensure smooth delivery of content. Apart from these, there are over 10 other AWS services that are built into our video hosting infrastructure.
More detailed explanation is here. - AWS backed Transcoding – Whenever you upload a video, VdoCipher does 2 jobs with it – First is transcoding it to multiple sizes and changing video format as apt for VdoCipher playback. Second, we encrypt it with our DRM licenses for highest security. These 2 bulk heavy operations essential for our video hosting are made scalable and globally reliable via the use of AWS EC2 (CPU instances).
Dashboard, Integration, API, SDK features for video hosting
- Dashboard to manage videos – A dashboard to allow you upload videos, edit video settings, generate embed code, view usage. Some of our customers manage 10,000+ videos on VdoCipher. Upload Embed tutorial
- API to embed videos – APIs to automate your embed process and ensure highest security via DRM encryption and watermarking. Tutorial
- API to upload videos – You may want to have your partners/users upload videos from your website/app without interacting directly with VdoCipher. Other use cases including automating upload/import from url or server (E.g AWS S3). Tutorial
- WordPress Plugin – Our most popular integration which allows quick 15 minute integration of highest secure video hosting with your wordpress website. Option to customise player theme and watermark. Tutorial here.
- Moodle Plugin – For educators to ensure easy integration of VdoCipher video hosting in Moodle sites. Customizable watermark option in plugin. Tutorial here.
- Iframe Embed –The quickest way to embed in your site or some 3rd party site. Domain restriction and time expiry feature along with iframe. Plugin or APIs integration is better customisable, but if not possible Iframe is the way to go. IFrame Embed tutorial.
- Script Embed – With and without APIs, you can try script method to embed in your site.
- Android App SDK – Google Widevine DRM encryption + AWS video hosting packaged for your Andrvoid App. Video player, screen capture block default built into SDK. Android SDK
- IOS App SDK – Apple Fairplay DRM encryption + AWS video hosting packaged for your IOS App. Screen capture block default built into SDK. IOS SDK
- Flutter Android Plugin- With the Flutter Android plugin, you can stream your content securely and prevent piracy on the supported app. Flutter Android Plugin Documentation
- iOS native SDK-iOS native SDK helps you to stream your Fairplay-protected videos through your iOS app. iOS native SDK documentation
- Offline download in iOS app- By using VdoCipher iOS native SDK, you can allow your users to download videos on the device. Video remains secure and can’t be taken out or screen captured as well. You can even specify the time duration a particular offline video will be available for download. iOS SDK offline documentation
- Offline download in Android App – Provide your users an option to download videos inside your android app, but it stays secure and cant be screen capture or taken out. Also provides you an option to set time validity of the downloaded video. Android SDK. Overall API page.
- Folder Segmentation of Videos – VdoCipher enables folder and subfolder in the dashboard for easy categorization of videos. Please note that content is not directly uploaded into a folder, first it has to be uploaded and then can be transferred to any folder. Folder management tutorial.
- Import Videos from Vimeo Pro – You do not need to re-upload content if you were earlier using Vimeo Pro or higher accounts. We have Vimeo Import feature to directly transfer content from Vimeo to VdoCipher. Tutorial.
- Import Videos from Google Drive – Direct option in dashboard under “Import” section.
- Import Videos from Dropbox – Direct option in dashboard under “Import” section.
- Import Videos from AWS S3/Server – Possible both via Dashboard and API. Direct option in dashboard under “Import” section. API server upload–
- Multi-user access to dashboard – Add multiple users to your dashboard and allow them different permission levels. These permissions can be viewer, uploader, editor, and OTP creator. Available in “config” section of dashboard.
- Multiple accounts from same mail ID – You can create multiple accounts from same mail id ,each account has different payment settings and configuration. Available once you have express or higher plan.
- Daily bandwidth reports – Available in Analytics section of the dashboard. Downloadable data per video per day also available.
- SafetyNet for Highest App-based Security-With VdoCipher’s Android SDK you can integrate Google’s Safetynet for additional protection on videos. SafetyNet ensures that playback is blocked on emulated and on most rooted devices. It is one of the highest protection available against tampering through rooted devices. It ensures protection against any application tampering and replays attacks. It ensures playback is only allowed on the app published by you and not any other tampered and modified app, thus blocking playback on any duplicate apps.SafetyNet Documentation
- Daily storage data – Available in Analytics section
- Iframe integration with teachable – VdoCipher video hosting DRM encryption, domain whitelist, IP address watermark feature can be integrated with teachable videos via our iframe integration. Tutorial here.
- Iframe integration with 3rd party LMS – Most 3rd party LMSes support iframe embed , where VdoCipher iframe can be embedded for highest security. Tutorial for Iframe embed.
- Plugin integration with WordPress LMS –Since VdoCipher integrates at wordpress backend, most of wordpress LMSes are compatible with VdoCipher video hosting plugin. Many of our customers use our plugin and LMSes together.
Tutorial for wordpress embed and sample integration with LifterLMS. - Tag Videos via API and dashboard – VdoCipher provides tagging option for hosted videos. You can tag one video with one or multiple tags and later search via tags. Folder system is different from tags. Tag via API tutorial. Tagging in dashboard.
- DRM only APIs for Enterprise users – About 99% of customers use our packaged offering where video hosting on AWS server, DRM encryption, watermarking, smart player, dashboard, APIs is packaged together. Some enterprise users might want only DRM encryption while they manage other things at their end. This is possible but quite difficult. It requires lot of coding for specific streaming protocols, CDN setups, integration of DRM APIs and is only recommended if you have a large development team at your side. Also, the pricing of such an offering starts from $5000/year.
To check if it is understandable and integrable by you, you can check this technical document here. - Custom Poster Image/thumbnail – You can change video thumbnail according to your choice from video settings option in dashboard. Tutorial here.
- Per video bandwidth data via dashboard/API – Available in Analytics Section of dashboard. API data access
- Webhooks to manage API upload – If you use upload APIs to upload videos, then webhooks are essential to get video related data automatically. Webhooks in dashboard link
- No branding/whitelisted solution – VdoCipher does not label its name/logo anywhere on the player.
- Optional Disable Mobile playback on account level – Available on request as per account basis.
- Replace Videos without changing embed code – This is an important feature for video hosting users in case you want to update your lecture content or a movie edit without having to change anything on app/web side. Tutorial here. All support doc and tutorials.
Important FAQs Around Video Hosting Features
What is the importance of DRM in video hosting?
DRM is crucial because it secures video content through encryption, making it accessible only to authorized users. This technology deters piracy and unauthorized sharing, ensuring that creators and publishers retain control over their content distribution and monetization.
How does adaptive video quality enhance viewer experience?
Adaptive streaming adjusts the video quality in real-time based on the viewer’s internet speed, providing a seamless viewing experience. This technology prevents buffering and ensures that the video plays smoothly, which is vital for maintaining viewer engagement and satisfaction.
What role does API integration play in video hosting?
API integration is essential for automating the video hosting process, including uploading, embedding, and managing videos. This allows for a more efficient management of video content on platforms, enabling customization and enhancing user experiences without manual intervention.
Why is screen capture blocking significant for video content?
Blocking screen capture is a feature aimed at combating piracy by preventing viewers from recording videos directly off the screen. This helps protect the content creator’s intellectual property and revenue, ensuring that the video remains exclusive to the hosting platform and its authorized users.
Supercharge Your Business with Videos
At VdoCipher we maintain the strongest content protection for videos. We also deliver the best viewer experience with brand friendly customisations. We'd love to hear from you, and help boost your video streaming business.