Youtube is one of the most widely used video platforms in the world, with over 500 hours of content uploaded every minute. With over 2.1bn subscribers, it seems like the best option to share your video content. Even with its high number of audience and reach it might not be the best option for every scenario. Many enterprises now use videos for internal communication, training, skill development, and for marketing purposes. All these cases require a well-tailored solution catering to the enterprise's needs. More and more Businesses now opt for video hosting solutions to cater to their internal needs and…
Best Online Video Storage Solutions for Video Creators
In today's times, online video storage solutions are becoming increasingly important for enterprises as well as businesses. With the growing popularity of video content, businesses are turning to online video storage solutions to store, manage, and share their videos with viewers, partners, and employees. Online video storage solutions offer a secure, scalable, and cost-effective storage solution to meet the businesses’ video content demand. These solutions make it easier for businesses to store and access video content from any device, in any location. They also provide features such as content protection, analytics, and collaboration tools, which can help businesses make the…
12 Statistiques sur le piratage vidéo, 6 méthodes de prévention (2023)
Si vous êtes propriétaire d'une entreprise qui offre du contenu vidéo, il est fort probable que vos vidéos soient piratées et que vous subissiez une perte de revenus substantielle. L'industrie cinématographique subit à elle seule une perte d'environ 40 et 97,1 milliards de dollars en raison du piratage de vidéos numériques. C'est un montant considérable, n'est-ce pas ? Si vous parlez de la bande passante mondiale, le piratage vidéo et les autres formes de piratage représentent environ 24 % de la bande passante mondiale. Les créateurs de contenu passent beaucoup de temps à créer leur contenu. La plupart des séries…
iOS Browsers & App Security Overview
Android Browsers & App Security Overview
Desktop Browsers Security Overview