Below are all the support tutorial/video links which are divided into various sections. Your support requirement may fall into more than one section. So, kindly scroll through all the headlines once or just do a page search for your keyword.
Upload/Import details & basic embed overview
Embedding in WordPress & Moodle: Detailed tutorials
Iframe/3rd party/LMS embed: Detailed tutorials
Mobile App integration explained
- Android App SDK Integration (Native, Flutter, React-Native)
- iOS App SDK Integrations (Native, Flutter, React-Native)
API embed, upload & other API functionalities explained
- Embedding via API (Languages like PHP, Ruby on Rails, Node.js, ASP C#, ASP VBScript etc.)
- Watermarking via API in detail
- Upload from your site/server via API
- All API features overview video
- OTP & Playbackinfo generation doc link
- OTP advanced rules like watermark(annotation), time expiry etc. document
Security technologies explained
Compatibility of secure playback explained
Bandwidth and Storage calculation & accounting
Dashboard features & video setting details
- Multi-User addition to account & permission levels
- Get all videos data in csv (title, id, status, time added)
- Video settings overview (Thumbnail, title, tags, subtitles, replace video)
- Thumbnail & title change: Tutorial
- Folder segmentation in the dashboard for easy video management
- Subtitle addition (Multiple Language supported)
- Replace/Swap/Update Videos
- Video Files & Thumbnails Generated data & total storage for a video
- Api key generation (Client Secret key for your account)
- Webhooks to fetch video status via API
Analytics, Bandwidth & Storage Data Reports
Amazon AWS Server & CDN Infrastructure Details
Video Player Features & Customisation
Troubleshooting: Resolving playback, player, upload & processing issues
Supercharge Your Business with Videos
At VdoCipher we maintain the strongest content protection for videos. We also deliver the best viewer experience with brand friendly customisations. We'd love to hear from you, and help boost your video streaming business.